Local History & Genealogy
Ancestry Library
For use within the library. Ancestry® combines billions of rich historical records, millions of family trees and samples from millions of people in the AncestryDNA® network to help you discover your unique place in history and gain meaningful insights that can impact your future.
Family Search
For use within the library. FamilySearch Discover your family’s history right here at LTPL! We’re thrilled to announce that our library is now an official FamilySearch Affiliated Library, giving you access to an extensive collection of genealogical records and resources from around the world.
As an affiliated library, we offer:
- Exclusive Access: Enjoy access to digital genealogical records that are only available at FamilySearch Affiliated Libraries.
- Expert Guidance: Our staff is here to help you navigate FamilySearch tools and connect with your heritage.
- Free Tools and Resources: Use FamilySearch for free on library computers or your own device while visiting the library.
Local Obituaries
Obituaries indexed by the library from 1986 to current. Please email the library if you have any questions: services@lincolnlib.org
1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-1999 2000-2002 2003-2005 2006-2008 2009-2011
2012-2013 2014-2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Berrien County Genealogical Society
BCGS promotes interest, education, and good research practices in genealogy, as well as to gather, house and publish related materials, inclusive of original records.
Biography Reference Center
Biography Reference Center provides thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of biographies.
Family Search
Find Your Family in the World’s Largest Shared Family Tree.
Find a Grave
The World’s largest gravesite collection. Contribute, create and discover gravesites from all over the world.
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
The Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild (ISTG) is a free website for ship lists and passenger lists, which is useful for genealogy and family history.
Lakeshore School District Yearbooks
The library has digitized their collection of yearbooks and band scrapbooks. The yearbooks are from 1936 to 2015. The library does have most of the original yearbooks that are available for in-house use only.
History of Grand Mere
The Making of Modern Michigan is a collaborative project involving 52 Michigan libraries. It includes local history materials from communities around the state. Michigan’s unique heritage is represented through over 4,500 different subjects of photographs, family papers, oral histories, genealogical materials, and much more.
The Making of Modern Michigan was funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, an independent federal agency that supports the nation’s museums and libraries. Through agreement, this site is hosted by the MSU Libraries and therefore is subject to its privacy statement.